Thursday, June 19, 2008


When searching for the library URL, I found either 68, 70, or 73 reactions depending upon which page I was on. As I skipped back to the last page, nothing there but advertising, so I jumped to the next to the last page, ditto. The links stopped at page five but the ads kept going for two more pages. This could be useful as a reverse search tool to backwards link to those linking to a particular page. When tag searching for web 2.0, the were 35,000 hits.

The names for Internet tools tend to not be very descriptive of their function, which ties in very well with the sloppy lingo that is thrown around EVERYWHERE on the Internet. Why not just call it BlogSearcher or something simple?

I am not impressed with the "blog" in general. Okay, there are some good ones, but there is so much crap being generated, it should instead be called a "clog," as in get the plunger! Of course, dear reader, present company excluded on that last statement! YMMV!

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