Monday, May 12, 2008

Blogging in the Library

Blogging can be a useful tool to share ideas and plans for the library with various audiences including the general public, staff, and special groups. I recently viewed a Blog at the nearby retirement center which discussed the branch closing for renovation, which was followed by various comments from other parties. There could be various blogs relating to different issues in the library, for example, a Youth Services Blog, a Reference Blog, and maybe a blog written by the guy in charge of library renovations letting everyone know what's going on there, too! There could be blogs meant for the public and internal blogs, too. Blogs could facilitate the sharing of information.

Someone would have to read a blog for it to have any value, unless it was posted just to vent!!!

1 comment:

23 cosas said...

I like the interactive idea behind having youth services or reference or even circulation blogs with ideas being shared and especially having the option for others to be able to comment on those ideas.