Tuesday, July 15, 2008

23 things finale - Yay!

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? That there is a vast sea of stuff out there that I have barely scratched the surface of.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? It has opened me to a vast array of products out there to draw from for personal growth, and to share with patrons.

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Of course! Every experience was rich and rewarding.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? Maybe spread it out a little more...too much, too fast for me!

And last but not least…
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate? Yes. The rewards are far greater than a flash drive or a laptop, but the prizes are a great motivator.

Digital Media Collection

There are a lot of great titles available for download. I looked at one that is "always available" and even allows burning to CD! 1984, by George Orwell is a classic. I listened to the excerpt, and the narrative was interesting. Other titles include "recent arrivals," "most popular," and "recently returned." It looks to be a wonderful offering of audio books.

Podcasting in the Library

I found some interesting podcasts. The reading of easy books, NPR radio shows, and more. Nothing I want to share, but thanks for asking!

You Tube Experience

Anyone can be a director and a producer!!! This is a way to use sight and sound to share information with the rest of the world. I have used You Tube quite a bit for the last few years looking for interesting bits, but for this exercise I chose to look at "Top Favorites." I selected a video entitled "Funny Animals 3" with was merely a slide show with mildly humorous text implanted on each slide. It was definitely amateurish, but what the hey, it is free!

I can easily see You Tube video as being useful on the website to share library related news and information.

Web 2.0 Awards

Google Maps, Live Maps, Google Earth. What more can I say? This is exciting and scary at the same time. The use of tools like this can allow people to visit anywhere, in virtual reality. The use of these tools can make the use of atlases come alive for library patrons.

My paranoia comes out when I think that societal predators can use tools such as these to enhance their criminal success.


ZOHO is awesome. It allows collaborative work across time and space. Not only is it free and easy to use, ZOHO allows access to your documents from anywhere in the world that you can access the WWW.

PBCLS Wiki Experience

I added in my blog as a favorite blog, and put in an entry for a couple of favorites. It was a fun and exciting experience, but I am just not one to open up with all of my thoughts for all the world to see... not that anyone really cares! Don't we all just want to blather on an on?!!!

Wikis in the Library

Wikis are a device for sharing information among a group, whether it be an organization, community, or the entire world!

Wikis can be a great tool for sharing community events, programs, ideas, etc., in the library. It can used a great way to fill in knowledge about local history in a community.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Web 2.0

What does Web 2.0 mean to me? It suggests that one harness the infinity of E-space into a working tool that addresses the specific needs of the user. A Web 2.0 tool is unique to the user, and performs for an individual. It suggests an interactive window that one designs to pursue a precise extraction of information for the individual.


When searching for the library URL, I found either 68, 70, or 73 reactions depending upon which page I was on. As I skipped back to the last page, nothing there but advertising, so I jumped to the next to the last page, ditto. The links stopped at page five but the ads kept going for two more pages. This could be useful as a reverse search tool to backwards link to those linking to a particular page. When tag searching for web 2.0, the were 35,000 hits.

The names for Internet tools tend to not be very descriptive of their function, which ties in very well with the sloppy lingo that is thrown around EVERYWHERE on the Internet. Why not just call it BlogSearcher or something simple?

I am not impressed with the "blog" in general. Okay, there are some good ones, but there is so much crap being generated, it should instead be called a "clog," as in get the plunger! Of course, dear reader, present company excluded on that last statement! YMMV!

Monday, June 16, 2008


I looked a Del.icio.us and came to the con.clus.ion that it wasn't for me. I am just too introverted to really use it. I already put my bookmarks into folders since way back when. I don't have enough time in the day to look at what other people think is worthwhile. I do believe that if one were to do research into a narrow topic, one may turn up a needle in the haystack with this tool.

Web Feat

Very interesting. This tool turned up some stuff that I had not seen before, but was cool.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Library Thang

This Thing is Fascinating!!!


Yo! Dummy!!!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Problem is...

My personality problem is "I'm a chain-smoking chubby-chaser with a big-ass chip on my shoulder!".
Take What's YOUR Problem? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

RSS and Libraries

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
That one can consolidate their interests into a personalized webpage is very fantastic, and as Ranganathan preached about saving the time of the reader, it is very library scientific.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?
This is an incredible time-saving device!

How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?
Libraries that publish to specific audiences can tailor associated and/or supportive newsfeeds to their mission and message.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The greatest technological invention of all time was the printing press. It afforded the sharing of ideas to the masses across space and time. It facillitated the greatest leap forward of Humankind. The Internet and it's associated technologies are essentially just the latest incarnation of the printing press.

Libraries in France

The French have a special style all their own, and their libraries are very stylish! Here is a picture of the Pompidou Center in Paris (at Flickr, uploaded by Cha già José). Of course, this library reminds me of a 1960's design of a magical mystery tour designed by an architect on LSD!!!

Next time you are in Paris, stop in and check-it-out!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Blogging in the Library

Blogging can be a useful tool to share ideas and plans for the library with various audiences including the general public, staff, and special groups. I recently viewed a Blog at the nearby retirement center which discussed the branch closing for renovation, which was followed by various comments from other parties. There could be various blogs relating to different issues in the library, for example, a Youth Services Blog, a Reference Blog, and maybe a blog written by the guy in charge of library renovations letting everyone know what's going on there, too! There could be blogs meant for the public and internal blogs, too. Blogs could facilitate the sharing of information.

Someone would have to read a blog for it to have any value, unless it was posted just to vent!!!

7 1/2 Habits

I think Play should not be considered a 1/2 habit. It is 2 or 3 times more powerful than the rest of them!!!

7 ½ Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind
Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning
Habit 3: View problems as challenges
Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
Habit 5: Create your own learning toolbox
Habit 6: Use technology to your advantage
Habit 7: Teach/mentor others
Habit 7 ½: Play

Get real, people! This list should be 10 habits and the last 3 should be "Play!"